Saturday, 9 July 2011

Storm Models

Today I shot in my friend and talented photographer's studio, Karina Lidia. We both took images of 2 Storm models. It was a great and experimental day, and I can't wait to go through the rest of the images.

Friday, 8 July 2011

David Varcoe

Here is a couple of images from a recent shoot. More will be out in September.

90's Shoot

Last week myself and a team worked on creating a 90's influenced fashion shoot, here are a selection of images, the full story will be released soon.

Islington Boys Club

I shot the promotional images for the band, Islington Boys Club. They were taken at the Islington Arts Centre, a refurbished Church used for creative purposes.

Check out the band's facebook fan page -

Elite Models

On Friday morning I shot 2 girls from the London agency, Elite. Both girls were great to work with. Taken in my housemates room using natural light.